LitP: Language-integrated Tensor Parallelism


Philipp Kramer
Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland


Programming Model, DSL, SIMD, Data-Parallel, Data-Flow, Reactive System, GPU, Compilation


This is a Chapter in:

Intelligent Computing and Consumer Support Applications

Chronicle of Computing

Chapter Abstract:

LitP, is a new data-parallel programming model for .NET respectively C#. It has been designed specifically to run data-parallel calculations in a managed runtime system. It can be used to solve a wide range of problems. Programs are described in vectorized form, but abstract from low-level architectural details of the target hardware. This allows for a good compromise between simplicity and performance. The presented library currently targets GPUs and CPUs, but is in principle well suited to any kind of general purpose, parallel processing unit.

Programming Model, DSL, SIMD, Data-Parallel, Data-Flow, Reactive System, GPU, Compilation

Cite this paper as:
Kramer P. (2023) LitP: Language-integrated Tensor Parallelism. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Intelligent Computing and Consumer Support Applications. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP.

Presented at:
The 2022 OkIP International Conference on Advances in High-Performance Computing (AHPC) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online, on October 3-6, 2022

Philipp Kramer


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LitP: Language-integrated Tensor Parallelism


September 21, 2023

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