Review of a Time-variant bandpass filter for Fast Analog FEE
Integration, Time Variant Circuit, Undershoot, OffsetSynopsis
This is a Chapter in:
Smart and Sustainable Applications
Print ISBN 978-1-6692-0006-2
Online ISBN 978-1-6692-0005-5
Chronicle of Computing
Chapter Abstract:
A time-variant circuit is examined in the context of readout electronics for silicon sensors. It consists of a time-variant differentiation and a two-stage integrator. To lower mean power consumption, the circuit can alternate between the on and off states. This will improve noise performance and restore output undershoot and offset.
Integration, Time variant circuit, undershoot, Offset.
Cite this paper as:
Pancha H., Wembe Tafo E., Essimbi Zobo B. (2024) Review of a Time-variant bandpass filter for Fast Analog FEE. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Smart and Sustainable Applications. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP.
Presented at:
The 2023 OkIP International Conference on Advances in Power and Energy (CAPE) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online, on October 2-5, 2023
Evariste Wembe Tafo
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