Geothermal Potential Assessment of the Bare-Bakem Region (Cameroon Volcanic Line): Contributions From Geophysical and Geothermometric Studies
Geothermal, Chemical Geothermometers, Tomography, Geothermal EnergySynopsis
This is a Chapter in:
Smart and Sustainable Applications
Print ISBN 978-1-6692-0006-2
Online ISBN 978-1-6692-0005-5
Chronicle of Computing
Chapter Abstract:
In order to determine the geothermal potential of the municipality of Baré-Bakem, located in both the sedimentary basin of Moungo and the volcanic region of Nkongsamba (Cameroon Volcanic Line), geophysical measurements using electrical resistivity tomography were conducted along a 1km profile between two opposing thermal sources spaced 20 meters apart. The profile was acquired in the SW-NE direction using a 945m-long array with 64 electrodes spaced at 15 meters intervals. The ZZRes2Dinv44 software was employed to generate investigative images. The obtained results along the profile reveal the presence of two geothermal zones of interest trapped within permeable sedimentary formations at depths ranging from approximately 20 to 110 meters and close to the surface. From a geothermometric perspective, chemical geothermometers such as silica and Na-K-Ca were calculated by collecting water samples from these thermal sources and analyzing the physicochemical parameters at the Laboratory of Geochemical Analysis of Waters (LAGE/IRGM) in Nkolbisson. The calculations indicate that the Baré-Bakem locality exhibits temperatures ranging from 51 to 90°C for near-surface anomalies and temperatures ranging from 283 to 300°C for deeper anomalies. These geothermal resources possess high energy potential suitable for electricity production.
Geothermal, Tomography, Chemical Geothermometers, Geothermal Energy.
Cite this paper as:
Meguedong A.M.G., BISSO D. & MBIDA L. (2024) Geothermal Potential Assessment of the Bare-Bakem Region (Cameroon Volcanic Line): Contributions From Geophysical and Geothermometric Studies. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Smart and Sustainable Applications. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP.
Presented at:
The 2023 OkIP International Conference on Green Research & Technology (CGRT) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online, on October 2-5, 2023
Ange Merveille Meguedong Guedia
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