Scheduling for high performance computing with reinforcement learning
High Performance Computing, Scheduling, Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Deep LearningSynopsis
This is a Chapter in:
Competitive Tools, Techniques, and Methods
Print ISBN 978-1-6692-0008-6
Online ISBN 978-1-6692-0007-9
Chronicle of Computing
Chapter Abstract:
Job scheduling for high performance computing systems involves building a policy to optimize for a particular metric, such as minimizing job wait time or maximizing system utilization. Different administrators may value one metric over another, and the desired policy may change over time. Tuning a scheduling application to optimize for a particular metric is challenging, time consuming, and error prone. However, reinforcement learning can quickly learn different scheduling policies dynamically from log data and effectively apply those policies to other workloads. This research demonstrates that a reinforcement learning agent trained using the proximal policy optimization algorithm performs 18.44% better than algorithmic scheduling baselines for one metric and has comparable performance for another. Reinforcement learning can learn scheduling policies which optimize for multiple different metrics and can select not only which job in the queue to schedule next, but also the machine on which to run it. The agent considers jobs with three resource constraints (CPU, GPU, and memory) while respecting individual machine resource constraints.
Cite this paper as:
Hutchison S., Andresen D., Hsu W., Parsons B., Neilsen M. (2024) Scheduling for high performance computing with reinforcement learning. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Competitive Tools, Techniques, and Methods. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP. APDC24#6.
Presented at:
The 2024 OkIP International Conference on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing (APDC) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online, on April 3, 2024
Scott Hutchison
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