Enriching Release Notes with Reddit Feedback: Understanding How User Feedback Can Augment Maintaining Software Updates


Bhavya Singh, University of the Pacific; Suhasi Daftary, University of the Pacific; Mythry Rudra, University of the Pacific; Simhika Veed, University of the Pacific; Solomon Berhe, University of the Pacific; Marc Maynard, Data Independence LLC, Ellington, CT; Foutse Khomh, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada


Software Maintenance, Reddit, Impact, Updates


This is a Chapter in:

Competitive Tools, Techniques, and Methods

Print ISBN 978-1-6692-0008-6
Online ISBN 978-1-6692-0007-9

Chronicle of Computing

Chapter Abstract:

The past decade has shown that the number of software components has increased, as well as their inter-connectivity and update cycles. Maintaining daily software updates is a time-consuming, arduous, and risky task. One common question is which update to review and perform next. Our previous work leveraging software release notes showed limitations in classifying and prioritizing breaking and high-impact updates. In this research, we enrich release notes with Reddit-based user feedback to understand how it potentially improves maintaining software updates. Towards the objective, we review five research questions useful to a clinical ecosystem use case scenario, involving nine software components, each enriched with at least 100 Reddit posts. The results show that enriched Reddit user feedback complements release notes and improves the classification of breaking and high-impact updates. For example, identifying an average of 5% critical breaking updates posted by Reddit users improves the early evaluation of potentially dysfunctional software components. Additionally, linking an update to an average of 10 other component helps in identifying potential dependencies among related components. Given the results, our prototyping efforts illustrate how, for example, a clinical ecosystem can accelerate maintaining software updates by proposing next update recommendations. By integrating user feedback from Reddit, we aim to better understood where user feedback is useful in maintaining software updates.

Cite this paper as:

Singh B., Daftary S. M., Rudra M., Veed S. P., Berhe S., Maynard M., Khomh F. (2024) Enriching Release Notes with Reddit Feedback: Understanding How User Feedback Can Augment Maintaining Software Updates. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Competitive Tools, Techniques, and Methods. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP. SERD24#11. https://doi.org/10.55432/978-1-6692-0007-9_7


Presentated at:
The 2024 OkIP International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Development (SERD) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online on October 3, 2024.

Bhavya Singh


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Enriching Release Notes with Reddit Feedback: Understanding How User Feedback Can Augment Maintaining Software Updates


August 23, 2024

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