Oklahoma International Publishing

Downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA


Dear Friend:

Oklahoma International Publishing (OkIP) is a conference & publishing organization incorporated in the great State of Oklahoma, United States of America.

OkIP organizes various international conferences offering scientists, students, and professionals world-class peer review content in Computer Science & Engineering, Social and Health Sciences, and Business Sciences.

Thank you for the countless sacrifices made by each one of you for your participation.


Shipping Address

1911 Linwood Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Mailing Address

PO BOX 1463
Oklahoma City, OK 73101




About OkIP

OkIP is a start-up conference, journal & publishing organization incorporated in Oklahoma, United States of America. OkIP organizes various international conferences offering world-class peer review content to scientists, students, and professionals in the areas of Science & Engineering, Social & Health Science, and Business.

OkIP fully adheres to Recommended Practices to Ensure Conference Content Quality"These recommended practices have been developed (by Elsevier, IEEE, and IET) to provide guidelines that will help maintain an equitable balance of the interests of all participants in ensuring high quality, scholarly conference proceedings content." We need your help as a reviewer and help us comply with the above recommendation for conference content quality.

Call for Reviewers

We invite scholars to become Reviewers for OkIP. All interested scholars should send their consent by emailing us at  info@okipublishing.com with all their areas of interest. For volunteering, all the reviewers will receive a certificate of appreciation from the OkIP secretariat.